Facility Rules & FAQ

  • Todas las personas que permanezcan dentro de la instalación, escalando o no, deben tener un formulario de exención de responsabilidad archivado. Los formularios de exención para menores de edad (menores de 18 años) deben ser completados por sus padres o tutores legales.
  • Todos los escaladores (y sus supervisores adultos, según corresponda) deben recibir primero una orientación por parte del personal de The Edge Rock Gym.
  • Los niños menores de 14 años no pueden engancharse o desengancharse de los sistemas de Auto-Belay. Esto siempre debe ser realizado por un adulto.Los miembros e invitados menores de 16 años solo pueden estar en la instalación bajo supervisión de un adulto.
  • Si bien los animales de servicio son bienvenidos dentro del edificio, pedimos que no estén en el suelo de la zona de escalada. Los animales de servicio emocional no califican como animales de servicio. No se permiten mascotas dentro del edificio.
  • No se permite correr o hacer acrobacias dentro de la instalación. Los adultos que acompañen a los niños deben supervisarlos para evitar que corran.
  • Es responsabilidad de todas las personas (o del adulto supervisor en el caso de un niño) en el área de escalada estar conscientes de los escaladores que están arriba y mantenerse alejados de las zonas de caída potencial para los escaladores.
  • Por favor, absténgase de masticar chicle o de llevar o consumir bocadillos, alimentos o bebidas en el área de escalada.
  • El travesía está permitido en todas las paredes de la instalación sin auto-belay. Se dibuja una línea aproximadamente a 12 pies del suelo en las esquinas de cada pared e indica el punto "no subir más" para los escaladores en travesía. Por favor, ceda el paso a los escaladores de cuerda y de lead en la pared.
  • La escalada en solo libre por encima de la altura indicada está estrictamente prohibida. Un comportamiento imprudente pone en peligro al escalador y a otros y puede resultar en una prohibición de uso inmediato y permanente de la instalaciónes.
  • Los aseguradores de escaladores de cuerda y de lead, así como los propios escaladores de lead, están sujetos a controles de competencia por parte del personal de The Edge Rock Gym en cualquier momento, independientemente de cuánto tiempo haya pasado desde su último control de competencia en la instalación. Las certificaciones de competencia de otras instalaciones no se transfieren.
  • La instrucción de aseguramiento solo puede ser realizada por el personal de The Edge Rock Gym. Se prohíbe estrictamente a los miembros e invitados enseñar técnicas de aseguramiento y el incumplimiento puede resultar en una prohibición inmediata y permanente de la instalación.
  • Las instalaciones de calentamiento en el segundo piso son solo para miembros de The Edge Rock Gym de 16 años de edad o mayores, a menos que formen parte de uno de nuestros programas juveniles bajo la instrucción o supervisión de su entrenador. Se deben usar zapatos en todo momento dentro del area de calentamiento.
  • Por favor, absténgase de usar zapatos de escalada (ya sean alquilados o de propiedad personal) en el baño para evitar la propagación de gérmenes a las paredes de escalada.
  • Por favor, absténgase de vapear o usar cigarrillos electrónicos dentro del edificio.
  • La gerencia ha otorgado al personal la autoridad para pedir a cualquier miembro o invitado que se niegue a cumplir con las pautas de seguridad que abandone la instalación.
  • All persons staying within the facility, climbing or not, must have a waiver on file. Waivers for minors (under 18 years old) must have a waiver completed by their parent or legal guardian, even if the minor is being accompanied by another authorized adult.
  • All climbers (and their adult supervisors, as applicable), must first receive an orientation from The Edge Rock Gym staff. This applies even if new visitors are experienced climbers.
  • Please refrain from chewing gum or bringing or consuming snacks, food, or drink on the climbing area floor.
  • Traversing (climbing laterally) is permitted on all facility walls without auto-belays. A stripe is drawn approximately 12 ft from the ground on the corners of each wall and indicates the "go no higher" point for traversing climbers. Please allow top rope and lead climbers on the wall right of way.
  • Free solo climbing (climbing without being secured) above the indicated height is strictly prohibited. Reckless behavior endangers the climber and others and may result in an immediate and permanent ban from the facility.
  • Belayers for top rope and lead climbers, as well as lead climbers themselves are subject to proficiency checks by The Edge Rock Gym staff at any time, regardless of how much time has passed since their last facility proficiency check. Proficiency certifications from other facilities do not transfer.
  • Belay instruction may only be conducted by The Edge Rock Gym staff. Members and guests are strictly prohibited from teaching belay technique and non-compliance may result in an immediate and permanent ban from the facility.
  • Upstairs Warmup Area facilities are only for The Edge Rock Gym Members 16 years of age or older, unless part of one of our youth programs while under the instruction or supervision of their Coach. Shoes must be worn at all times within the Warmup Area.
  • Boxing gloves or hand wraps must be worn when using the heavy punching bag.
  • Please refrain from wearing climbing shoes (whether rented or personally owned) in the restroom to prevent spread of germs to the climbing walls.
  • Please refrain from smoking, vaping or using electronic cigarettes within the building.

Management has granted the staff authority to ask any member or guest that refuses to comply with facility rules and safety guidelines to leave the facility.

Absolutely! Though we are more of a training facility than an activities center, children love it here! We'll show you how to identify the routes that are kid-friendly (reachable) by children.

Also - while we don't have a minimum age, we do have a minimum weight of 45 lbs to ensure they can be easily lowered on our belay systems.

Please consider the following rules related to children when you attend:

  • All persons staying within the facility, climbing or not, must have a waiver on file. Waivers for minors (under 18 years old) must have a waiver completed by their parent or legal guardian, even if the minor is being accompanied by another authorized adult.
  • All climbers (and their adult supervisors, as applicable, must first receive an orientation from The Edge Rock Gym staff.
  • Children under 14 may not clip themselves in or out of Auto-Belay systems. This must always be conducted by an adult.
  • Members and guests under 16 years old may only be in the facility with adult supervision.
  • Upstairs Warmup Area facilities are only for The Edge Rock Gym Members 16 years of age or older, unless part of one of our youth programs while under the instruction or supervision of their Coach. Shoes must be worn at all times within the Warmup Area.
  • Running and tumbling are not permitted within the facility. Adults accompanying children must supervise children to prevent running.
  • It is the responsibility of all persons (or the supervising adult in the case of child) on the climbing floor to be aware of climbers overhead, and to remain clear of potential fall zones for climbers.
  • All persons staying within the facility, climbing or not, must have a waiver on file. Waivers for minors (under 18 years old) must have a waiver completed by their parent or legal guardian, even if the minor is being accompanied by another authorized adult.
  • All climbers (and their adult supervisors, as applicable, must first receive an orientation from The Edge Rock Gym staff.
  • Children under 14 may not clip themselves in or out of Auto-Belay systems. This must always be conducted by an adult.
  • Members and guests under 16 years old may only be in the facility with adult supervision.
  • Upstairs Warmup Area facilities are only for The Edge Rock Gym Members 16 years of age or older, unless part of one of our youth programs while under the instruction or supervision of their Coach. Shoes must be worn at all times within the Warmup Area.
  • Running and tumbling are not permitted within the facility. Adults accompanying children must supervise children to prevent running.
  • It is the responsibility of all persons (or the supervising adult in the case of child) on the climbing floor to be aware of climbers overhead, and to remain clear of potential fall zones for climbers.

Management has granted the staff authority to ask any member or guest that refuses to comply with facility rules and safety guidelines to leave the facility.

While service animals are welcome within the building, we ask they not be on the climbing area floor. Emotional support animals do not qualify as service animals. Pets are not permitted within the building.

While working, the service animal’s behavior must be under the control of its owner. A service animal should not pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others. If your animal is out of control and you do not take effective action to control your animal or your animal poses a direct threat to the health and safety of others, you can be asked to remove your animal from the premises. You are also responsible for the care or supervision of your service animal including care, food, and cleaning if the animal urinates or eliminates within the facility, as well as identification of appropriate locations for animal use.

We have bouldering (including a cave and Kilter Board), 13 Auto-Belays, 29 Top Ropes, and 17-20 Lead Climbing lanes (depending on how lead routes may traverse over to utilize different columns of draws).  There may be 2-4 routes set on each lane, and some Top Rope lanes also feature draws for Lead Climbing.

Top Rope Belay and Lead Climb/Belay in our facility requires EITHER first passing a proficiency check or taking a class with us.

We also have an upstairs training and warmup area for members - it's not available for guests with a Day Pass, but if you're not coming often enough to warrant Membership, a Punch Card (pre-bundled visits) does include upstairs access.

Management has granted the staff authority to ask any member or guest that refuses to comply with facility rules and safety guidelines to leave the facility.